Are Selena Gomez and Logan Lerman together? Selena Gomez was on an interview with Ryan Seacrest. Selena said that Logan Lerman is the next big thing. Ryan asked her if Logan is replacing Shia LeBeouf in her heart or moving kind of close to him in her heart. She answered "I don't know", but Logan heard about the interview and talked about it on the Bonnie Hunt's show. Logan said that what Selena said was very flattering. Bonnie Hunt told Logan to ask her out, but Logan said, just like Selena "I don't know". Finally, Logan said "Alright, okay! I've got to find her now!". So, what do you think? Do you think Selena Gomez and Logan Lerman are together? Do you think they should date? Do you think that Logan ever asked her out? Do you think that they're perfect for each other? Leave a comment saying what you think!
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