Friday, July 15, 2011

Wen, the best hair product ever?

People all around are saying that Wen happens to be the best hair product in the world.  I've bought myself one and I've tried it.  I honestly have to agree, but this hair product might not be for everyone.  When you put it on in the shower or bath, it feels minty on your head.  It feels nice and cool.  It's a great way to cool yourself off in the hot summer weather.  People might not like that, so that's why my opinion is that maybe, you like Pantene or Garnier, but it is all up to you.  You choose which one you would like.  All of them are very good, but for me, I've found the one everyone is calling "perfect", Wen!  It truly makes your hair feel softer and shinier.  I needed my hair to be thicker and WOOSH, my hair is somehow thicker!  I love this hair product.  It really fixes up the damaged areas.  That's why it feels cool on your head when you wash with it.  This hair product is made up of many natural herbs and other things natural.  That is why this product is so good for you.  I think you should get it, but like I said before, it's all up to you.  If you have it or bought it because of this post, leave a comment on what you think!

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